Are We Credited?

Cast & Crew

Use this form to add your bio and headshot to the Are We Live? website. We will also use the “Public Name” you list here in the show credits. Keep in mind that the public info you list here can appear in web searches!

Your Name(Required)
As it appears in the course roster. This will NOT appear publicly.
As you want it to appear on the show website and in the show credits. This will appear publicly on the show website. If you prefer to be anonymous, you can use a psuedonym.
Your Headshot or Avatar(Required)
Please upload a picture to represent you. This will appear publicly on the show website. If you prefer to be anonymous, you can use an avatar that is not your real face. Make sure to include a description of your image in the “Alternative Text” field for low-vision or unsighted users.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
A few sentences describing you. This will appear publicly on the show website. Please use third person pronouns (she/he/they/etc.) as if you are writing about yourself, not speaking directly to the reader. Use this as a guide: