Luna Mare

Luna (any/all) is an up and coming youtuber at the channel Lunar Night (@Luna-Night). Currently on a journey of self discovery of what exactly they want to do in their life. In her free time, she’s usually reading, writing, drawing, recording things for her channel or just relaxing.

Ben Lechtman

Ben standing in front of a painted brick wall

Ben is a senior Theatre major at UMW concentrating in Directing and Sound Design. He is the chair of the student-run black box theatre, Studio 115 and works in the UMW Theatre management office as the Programming Assistant. After graduation, he plans on continuing his career in the theatre industry. Ben likes to spend his free time playing games, going on walks, cooking, and listening to music.

Erin Matuczinski

Erin is a sophomore at UMW majoring in CDS and minoring in journalism. She works as the ILL Assistant at the Simpson Library, the Social Media Aide for the Honors Program, and is a section editor for the Blue&Gray Press. She intends to become a journalist after college, hoping to travel around the world covering important international issues. Outside of school and work, she enjoys video games, hiking, and couponing!